CAS No.: 793-24-8
Customs code: 381231000
Molecular formula: C18H24N2
Chinese name: (N - (1,3-dimethylbutyl) - N '- phenyl-phenylenediamine)
English name: N - (1,3-dimethylbutyl) - N '- phenyl-pphenylenediamine
Molecular weight: 268.40
Appearance: dark purple granular
Crystallization point ℃: ≥ 46.0
Melting point ℃: ≥ 45.0
Main content (GC): 96.0%
Heating reduction: ≤ 0.50%
Ash content: ≤ 0.15%
Relative density: 0.99
Nature: dark purple granular. Color darkens when exposed to air.
Usage: used as rubber antioxidant, suitable for natural rubber and synthetic rubber. The application scope includes pneumatic tire parts, solid tires, conveyor belts, rubber hoses, adhesive tapes, cables, car buffer brackets, rubber links and general rubber industrial products. These products are in continuous or intermittent dynamic working conditions, and need ozone protection.